Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Gift Ideas pt 2.

So, just like our first edition of our gift guide, we have to leave our very coolest gift ideas out of this... at least until they make their way to their recipients. I might have to take some "action shots" of loved ones with their gifts I've been geeking out over. We are back with some more ideas for gifts that align with our shared values of local, homegrown, and sweet. We still have one coming "for them" that'll have ideas for couples/host gifts.
1. Seeds, or a gift certificate to a seed company. The thing with seeds is that in terms of spending, a little goes a really long way. Of course, for our example, we chose this three sisters garden pack from Renee's Garden. It's seven bucks and could feed ya all winter.

2. The Honey Dipper Doesn't Give A Shit. 'Cause we know the ladies on your list be keepin' bees. 

3. Ceramic Berry Baskets and or Mason Jars. Yeah, we can't explain why, but all women flip their shit for this stuff. Just trust us.

4. Boot Cuffs. These are from Etsy, but it's also probably the easiest project ever to make yourself. Figure it out.

What not to give...

Seriously, do not buy anyone this $6,000 bicycle made of copper from anthropologie this holiday season. It's dumb.

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